Overview Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations are being used to support the design of NASA’s next-generation space launch vehicles. CFD support includes characterizing aerodynamic performance, providing distributed line loads and pressure signatures on the vehicle for structural analysis, performing stage separation analysis, and predicting the launch environment during the ignition and takeoff. Project Details CFD…
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3D Print The Ultimaker 3 3D printer with two extruders is available to the Institute for visualization and haptic perception of flow simulation results. The possibility to touch the research object allows completely new impressions and perceptions of the underlying question.
WHAT IS MESHING? Meshing is the process in which the continuous geometric space of an object is broken down into thousands or more of shapes to properly define the physical shape of the object. This process typically consumes a significant portion of the time in acquiring simulation results. As a result, Ansys meshing has created…
Ballistic testing is a vital part of the armor design. However, it is impossible to test every condition and it is necessary to limit the number of tests to cut huge costs. With the introduction of hydrocodes and high performance computers; there is an increasing interest on simulation studies to cutoff these aforementioned costs. This…
Blast injuries are caused by the impact from a complex pressure wave generated by an explosion. The explosion causes an instant rise in pressure, which creates a blast wave. Quick Analysis of extended damages Blast injuries can be categorized into primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary injuries:
By Prashanth Shankara • January 6, 2021 The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has spurred the global community into action unlike any other time in recent history. Governments continue to fight the deadly virus with public health measures. Healthcare workers are on the frontlines saving lives. The medical & scientific community are working on decoding the virus…
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