Steady-state CFD simulation of cyclone separator is performed using ANSYS Fluent. Particles are tracked using DPM. One-way coupling is considered without drag. Meaning fluid phase will influence particulate phase via drag and turbulence whereas particulate phase has no influence on the gas phase.

Simulating a cyclone separator with two fluid phases in OpenFOAM typically involves modeling a mixture of two immiscible fluids, each with its own properties, within the cyclone separator. Here’s a general outline of how to set up such a simulation:
**1. Geometry Preparation:**
– Import or create the geometry of your cyclone separator using a suitable CAD tool.
– Convert the geometry into a format compatible with OpenFOAM, such as STL or OBJ.
**2. Mesh Generation:**
– Generate a suitable mesh for your cyclone separator using OpenFOAM’s meshing tools like `blockMesh` or `snappyHexMesh`.
– Ensure a refined mesh near walls and critical regions, such as the inlet, outlet, and cyclone body.
– Mesh interfaces between the two fluid phases need to be accurately captured.
**3. Define Fluid Properties:**
– Define the properties (density, viscosity, etc.) for both fluid phases in the system.
– Specify how the properties change based on the volume fraction of each phase.
**4. Multiphase Model Selection:**
– OpenFOAM offers various multiphase solvers. Choose one that suits your simulation needs. Common options include the Volume of Fluid (VoF) model, the Eulerian-Eulerian model, or the mixture model.
– Configure the selected multiphase model to account for the behavior of two immiscible fluid phases.
**5. Boundary Conditions:**
– Define appropriate boundary conditions for both fluid phases at the inlet, outlet, walls, and any interfaces.
– Ensure that the boundary conditions accurately reflect the physics of the cyclone separator.
**6. Simulation Solver:**
– Select an appropriate solver for your multiphase simulation. Depending on your specific case, you might use solvers like `interFoam` for the VoF model or `twoPhaseEulerFoam` for the Eulerian-Eulerian model.
– Configure solver settings, such as numerical schemes, time stepping, and convergence criteria.
**7. Running the Simulation:**
– Run the simulation and monitor convergence.
– Pay attention to the phase interactions and behavior within the cyclone separator.
**8. Post-Processing:**
– Use OpenFOAM’s post-processing tools to visualize and analyze results.
– Examine phase distribution, velocities, and other relevant data for both fluid phases.
**9. Iteration and Optimization:**
– Analyze the simulation results and, if necessary, iterate on the setup to refine the model or mesh.
– Use the results to optimize the design or operation of the cyclone separator.
Please note that simulating two immiscible fluid phases in a cyclone separator is a complex task and may require in-depth knowledge of multiphase modeling in OpenFOAM. Refer to the OpenFOAM documentation and tutorials specific to multiphase simulations for more detailed information. If you have specific questions or need assistance with any step, feel free to ask for more detailed guidance.